
BerHaHaNi (Berat Hati Hari Ini)

Setiap hari pasti gua, lu, kalian, semuanya bertumbuh entah menjadi lebih baik, ataupun lebih buruk. Yaa post kali ini mungkin cuma buat media curhat gua aja sih ya hahaha. Tapi karena ini blog yang bisa diliat banyak orang, jadi gua usahain setidaknya kalian ada manfaatnya baca tulisan nggak jelas ini wkwkwk. Perubahan Perubahan ya? Yang gua rasain selama ini, gua udah berubah banyak banget, baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas.  Dari segi kualitasnya, secara umum gua setidaknya berubah menjadi lebih baik menurut orang yang bisa melihatnya dan sebenarnya meminta perubahan tersebut. Don't get me wrong, gua nggak merasa keberatan untuk berubah demi seseorang asalkan perubahan tersebut juga baik buat gua.  Dari segi kuantitasnya, gua udah berubah berkali-kali. Ya mungkin kalian berpikirnya 'lah Rel, orang mah emang akan bersikap sesuai dengan orang yang sedang dia hadapi'. Beda bray, beda . Dalam kasus ini, bisa terlihat cukup mengkhawatirkan, eng bukan mengkhawatirkan si...

My Journey to Altruism (Part 1 - Sincerity)

 My Journey to Altruism Since this is a personal blog. So, let's just try to do this casually ahahahah (padahal gabisa bikin serius). Sincerity Soo, for me, sincerity is like the fundamental thing of altruism. Why? Because those things demand you to do something without expecting anything back. It's hard, like VERY VERY HARD. But, once you've get the hang of it, you'll feel better in everything you do and accept. How's it going for me At first it went really really bad. Maybe because I was raised in a concept of "If I do something good, I will get my reward". It's not bad actually. I've lived in that idealism for like 16 years. Until something BIG (I will tell the story about this later) hit me ahahahah. After that downfall, finally I started to learn about sincerity, in a hard way.  Not every good deeds you've done will give you something good in return. As I said before, it was really really hard at first. Expectation kills you, man. It could...


  Well, Hello! disclaimer : this is my first blog, hehe. Be nice to me, will ya? NAME My name is Farrel Zultiarsyah DK. The name "Farrel" was given by my dad, it means "brave". What do you think? Am I brave? It's yours to judge hahaha. "Zultiarsyah" stands for D ZUL hijjah (the Islamic month when I was born), Yoewa TI (my mom's name), AR man (my dad's name), and the last one is SYAH (meaning that their marriage is legal) AHAHAHA. 'DK nya apaan rel?' Drift King (?), Donkey Kong (?), you name it ahahah. but it actually stands for Dewa Kartanagara. Cool isn't it? It is a combination of my grandpas' names BTW, my posts won't always be in English. So don't expect much from me haha. WHY am I making blogs I am just trying to express my feelings into words. Like all of you guys who read this, I experienced a lot of things. But, maybe some of mine didn't happen to you. SO, I'll try to summarize everything so you can take ...